
Harvard Annex Annual Report 1884-1885


The Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women, more commonly known as the “Harvard Annex,” aimed to provide female students with the same educational opportunities available to their male colleagues. Founded in 1879 by a group of women and men led by Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, the Annex provided an alternative to the growing demand for coeducation. In 1894, the Annex was chartered as Radcliffe College, and its students were awarded A.B. degrees that were equivalent, though not identical, to those received by the male students of Harvard College. Women were first admitted to Harvard College classrooms in 1943.




1884-1885 Annual Report

Persistent Link: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:rad.arch:14991?n=17 

Repository: Radcliffe Archives